When four partners initially established the company in 1960, its name was SM MODELLISTI, it now carries out its activities over an area of 3500 square meters, of which 1500 are indoor facilities. The company employs highly qualified personnel and avails of some of the most advanced and fully equipped operating machines currently available.
Thanks to many years of experiences, SM is now able to offer solutions for any customer’s request from the design
develop to the manufacturing items in any kind of cast iron, aluminum and bronze material.
SM is in close collaboration with leading manufacturers of plant and foundry equipment, both domestic and foreign, to build any type of equipment for any facility. The Machining Department is equipped with the most advanced milling machines CNC available on the market, driven by skilled operators.
All processes, including assembling and requested drawing characteristics, are checked and monitored by the Quality department, that employs an experienced staff equipped with 3D control machines and software of last generations.
SM is able to provide to their customers products and processes with “tournkey” solution in competitive lead-time, whether they are SERIES COMPONENTS of PROTOTYPES.


Machining Dept.
14 employees
Engineering CAD-CAM Dept.
6 employees
Finishing and assembling Dept.
5 employees
Prototypes Dept.
3 employees for patterns and core-boxes made of wood, aluminium-resin, wood-resin
Managing and administration
3 employees